The most important task in Kenya was to experience Maharli Mzuri, which was a camp established in the wilderness. The construction used steel skeleton, wood and tensile membrane roof. The entire camp was planned to be as invisible as possible in the natural environment, returning the grassland to the wild animals. But a good campsite was not only about architectural design and basic services, but more importantly, it was about planning guests' outdoor activities to ensure their safety and provide surprise experiences. 

在肯尼亚最重要的任务就是体验Maharli Mzuri,这是一个在荒野中建立的营地,建筑用了钢骨架,木材和张拉膜屋顶,整个营地尽可能地隐身在自然环境中,把草原还给野生动物们。但是好的营地不光是建筑设计和基础服务,它更重要的是要规划好客人的野外活动,保障客人的安全和惊喜不断的体验。

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